Living On The Edge
My little sister and a number of my very good friends are pregnant with their first babies. And each of them has asked me the same question: How is your life different now that you have kids?
As any parent knows, this is a ridiculous question because quite frankly the whole world changes when you have a baby. But, that aside, two very practical things occurred to me. Since I gave birth to my first child, (1) I never sleep past 7:30am; and (2) I never wear heels. And these aren't minor things. I used to sleep until 11am on weekends and less than four years ago, that very nice lady from California Closets built me a whole bunch of little cubby-like shelves for all of my heels. Heels which I never ever wear.
Until tonight. Tonight, I am attending the big Dalton benefit. My beloved alma mater is turning ninety-years-old and I figured why not live on the edge and channel my High School heel-wearing self? I will let you know how it goes. And, no, sadly I will not be able to sleep past 7:30 (who are we kidding? 6:30).