Gummy Bears and Gumption
I survived my high-heeled walk on the wild side, but it's back to flats today. Last night, I attended the Dalton School's big 90th birthday bash/benefit at Chelsea Piers. It was a wonderful event and, frankly, reminded me exactly why I loved the school. During cocktail hour, I said hello to a few of my favorite teachers. During dinner, my beloved orchestra conductor of latter day (I played the trumpet) led the orchestra in their performance of a lovely Ode to Dalton (composed by one very talented Dalton student).
The event was sold out and Pier 60 was packed to the gills with loyal faculty and parents and alumni. Blue and white balloons floated from the center of each table, tables blanketed in paper decorated with Daltonian doodles.
For me, the biggest treat was Anderson Cooper. Cooper, both a Dalton and Yale grad, spoke affectionately about his time at Dalton. His words were self-deprecating and inspiring. He talked about how Dalton was, and continues to be, a unique place that nurtures individuality and creativity. He talked candidly about his foray into the world of war reporting, how his friend cooked him up a fake press pass and he just started going to wars. He knew what he wanted to do and he did it. He had the courage, the gumption, to dream. To dream big. And then to live that dream. Not bad.
At the end of the evening, we were sent home with delectable bags of gummy bears and big swirly lollipops from Dylan's Candy Bar (Dylan Lauren is also fellow Dalton alum). And, on the way home, that melodic Ode echoed in my head and I chewed on a bear and thought: a school that spits out a candy maven and a CNN sweetheart is some school.
And if last night was any indication, Dalton continues to produce dreamers and doers. And great doodlers too.
Happy Birthday, Dalton!