This Is What Matters


Husband took this picture last night of me with my Rowlets. They were freshly-bathed and pajama-clad and we were walking home from dinner at Mom's. I was particularly pensive as we strolled, lost in my own world, my mind stitched with symbolism about time and seasons and then my littlest babe snapped me from my reverie by speeding ahead on the street, her hand-me-down parka a brilliant purple blur. She stopped and turned quickly to race back. She came at me, blue eyes ablaze, arms raised, and crooned at the top of her little lungs: "I love you, Mommy!" before tackling me with the fiercest leg-hug. It was a lightning bolt moment where my heart lifted and my fuzzy head cleared. And words tumbled around in my mind, sentences so simple they are profound.

This is what matters.

This is what it's all about. 

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You're My Person


ADR Friday Loves 12.11.15