
Last weekend, I slept in a little and came downstairs and the big girls were doing art projects and my baby was standing on her small purple chair helping her dad make pancakes. There was something so simple and sweet about the image. It moved me.

Later that day, I took it upon myself to purge my study. I cleared shelves and drawers and I found things. Junk and treasures. One treasure was a photo from almost seven years ago. It was the summer of 2008. August, I think. We were in South Carolina on a vacation with Husband's college buddies and their wives and families. Big Girl was 18 months and I was 6 months pregnant with Middle Girl. Dad had died only a week or two before that. But there I was, in my maternity swimwear, frolicking in the surf with my daughter, moving on. Because that's what we do.

We move on. We get up and have good days and dance with our daughters on shores and on sidewalks and we embrace life and love big and make pancakes on a Sunday morning in spring.


How have you moved on from hard things in your life?


Everything You Ever Wanted


ADR Friday Loves 05.01.15