3 sofias


The girls go back to school next week.

I go back to blogging today.

The past two months have been fantastic and fast. I know it is cliched to bemoan the swift passage of time, but that's just what I'm doing. Despite concerted efforts to open my eyes to more of my moments, to soak up the stuff of my summer days, July and August hurtled by at a dizzying clip. And here I am, here, wondering: How did this happen? How it that my three tiny newborns are 3, 5 and 7? How is it that these girls just finished school and now they are about to go back again?

Time. It's a topic that fascinates me and frightens me. It's a theme that runs through my thinking and also my writing. Long story short, it's the perfect next focus of my Here Year. (Previous topics: Home, Parenthood, Marriage) For the month of September, I will be exploring Presence through the lens of Time. My Here Year cohort Lindsey Mead will be doing this alongside me, posting periodically on this topic which is in many ways the theme of her blog A Design So Vast. I'm excited.

For now though, I leave you with the above shot of my three girls dressed up as Sophia the First. We are just back from an absolutely wonderful and zapping trip to Disney World and this was among my favorite moments. Moments. That's what it's all about, right? I think so.

I will also leave you with the following quote I stumbled upon last night before bed.

time is a created thing

I'm beginning to really believe this, that Time is something we fashion and create, that it's largely up to us, and incumbent upon us, to orchestrate the way we spend our moments, our hours, our days. A challenging set of questions for this month and beyond: How do we protect the limited time we have? How do we maximize time spent doing things we love most with the people we love most?

I don't pretend to have answers, but oh and I happy to be back here asking questions. I've missed you all and this cozy corner of the ether so so much.

Happy September, guys!

Oh, and if you are on Instagram, come follow me there. I will be posting many of my #thehereyear quotes and musings there!

here year3


Trust the Timing of Your Life


July & August: Where I'll Be