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I'm quite blonde again and pretty stoked about it. Shallow? Perhaps, but I find myself celebrating my more superficial side these days.

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For date night, Husband and I went to Barnes & Noble to see Modern Love editor Daniel Jones read from his new book Love Illuminated. He posed an intriguing question which I plan to write about: Is Love a feeling or a choice?

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Play-Doh with Daddy.

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Coffee in snow. I so cherish the snip of time I spend outside with Big Girl in the mornings as we wait for her bus to pull up.

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A glimpse of early morning writing. This continues to be my best creative time. In these hours, my mind lingers between dream and day.

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The girls had so much fun in the crunchy city snow. This picture of them in their candy-colored parkas under a vast tree in the whiteness is among my all-time favorites.

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There was this moment when I was sitting in total silence in my writing room. I looked up from the screen and out at the snowy world. Dream indeed.

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I just stood under this tree, looking up. The snow on branches is nothing short of enchanting.

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A snowy Turtle Pond. Swoon.

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This was one evening last week and this little girl - who is getting so big so fast - turned to me, blue eyes blazing and said, Snuggle me! She is so the boss of me.

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Our Mornings Without Screens continue to be very successful. Here Big Girl and Little Girl put on a My Little Pony performance.

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One night, Husband was out for a work dinner and I was flying solo at bedtime and the girls were moving toward bed and I looked over and saw this and had this very powerful and pure thought: I have three little girls. 

May the week ahead be stuffed with good moments of life & Love.

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Staying Home With Kids


What You Really Love