my babes

Mother's Day is on Sunday and I am sitting here on this Thursday afternoon thinking about motherhood. About how it has changed me. I was a different Me before these three little girls came along. I am a better Me now that they are here. It's so hard to put these things, these important and vast things, into words, isn't it? But I will try.

Motherhood has made me purposeful.

Motherhood has made me powerful.

Motherhood has made me lighter and darker, sillier and more serious.

Motherhood has made me notice the world.

Motherhood has made me notice myself.

Motherhood has made me love with every ounce of my being.

Motherhood has made me more thoughtful, more fearful, more thankful.

Motherhood has made me more kind. So much more kind. To others. To myself.

Motherhood has made me miss my dad.

Motherhood has made me love my mom.

Motherhood has made me question everything.

Motherhood has made me strong.

Motherhood has made me confused.

Motherhood has made me tired.

Motherhood has made me happy. Deeply, wildly, complexly happy.

Motherhood has made me.

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Motherhood has made me... [fill in the blank]

The Kind of Mother I Am


Brilliant Words. Oh, & This Bag.