spin2 5:46am. I have all of 14 minutes to publish this before racing out the door to my 6:15am SoulCycle class. I'm a wee bit obsessed. Not just with SoulCycle, but with Physique 57, too. And working out in general. I even tried a Barre Burn class this week at the behest of my friend. It was freaking hard.

Anyway. I am remembering (again) how connected physical health and mental health are. I just feel so much better when I sneak in a workout and really, truly sweat. It takes me back to me beloved days as an athlete in high school and I am just happier after, more awake, energetic, inspired even.

Yes, I think this is all part of a bigger plan to feel good and strong and clear. This not-drinking-for-now fits really nicely with this work-out-like-a-fiend bit. We will see how long I can keep this up. Again, for now is my focus.

Oh, and the really cool thing about SoulCycle, the spin class I'm off to in a few? It's done in a dark room with candles and loud music and an uber-fit instructor who is as concerned about cycling our souls as he/she is our bodies. Forget your day. Spin the way you want to live your life. Some people might find this hokey or silly, but I kind of love it. Therapy on a bike, no?

Anyway, just a little post which really is a little ode to exercise.

UPDATE 7:52am - Back from spin. Sweaty and wrangling girls. Feeling sick again with the news. To all my friends and family in the Boston area... Please stay safe.

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Do you exercise these days? How often and what do you do? Do you feel like exercise is critical to mental health and happiness? Are you a big group fitness person? Anyone a SpinCycle or Physique 57 devotee? 



Just One of Those Days


On Encouragement