This Is Childhood: Eight

TIC Tuesday again. This week's This Is Childhood words come to us from the oh-so-talented Amanda Magee of the Wink. Amanda writes beautifully about Eight. It's funny because I just had this odd little memory. I remember it being my eighth birthday. I was on my bed and I was excited but also sad when I thought, I will never be seven again. Anyway, it's just a sliver of recollection, but it makes me smile. There I was, on my top bunk, in my first decade, pondering big things like Time and eight-ness and never again. Anyway, enough about me. Click on over to read Amanda's gorgeous musings. Comments are closed here today, but I know Amanda would love to hear from you.

The This Is Childhood Team:

ONE – ADR {moi} TWO – Kristen Levithan THREE – Nina Badzin FOUR – Galit Breen FIVE – Allison Slater Tate SIX – Bethany Meyer SEVEN – Tracy Morrison EIGHT – Amanda Magee NINE – Denise Ullem TEN – Lindsey Mead


Happy 2nd Birthday, Little Girl!


A Happy Day