Today's This Is Childhood words come from the lovely and talented Galit Breen. Galit writes exquisitely about the simultaneous bigness and smallness of Four. Here's a little taste:

He fits his head beneath my chin. His golden locks tickle my cheeks, my neck.

Just as they did when he was a newborn. He’d curl his body against mine, pacifier held in place by the smallest of lips and the roundest of cheeks pressed against my shoulder. I’d fit my arms around him, one beneath and one in back. His tiny toes peeking below my arm.

He’s still small, I think, holding him in this way.

His arms tighten around my neck as he loosens his legs. I feel his toes graze my knees in a shocking reminder of how very big four can be.

Comments are closed here at ADR today, but I know Galit would love to hear from you. Have a good Tuesday, guys!


The This Is Childhood Team:

ONE – ADR {moi} TWO – Kristen Levithan THREE – Nina Badzin FOUR – Galit Breen FIVE – Allison Slater Tate SIX – Bethany Meyer SEVEN – Tracy Morrison EIGHT – Amanda Magee NINE – Denise Ullem TEN – Lindsey Mead


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