I subscribe to Stroller Traffic. If you are a parent, you should too. Anyway, last night as I was slurping my hot & sour soup and watching E! News Live (Husband was out for dinner with all the other Kindergarten dads - awww), I checked my email and saw it - an email from Stroller Traffic. The title? Ten Blog Posts Every New Mom Should Read; Heartfelt, honest, and humorous accounts of motherhood.

And I read through the list. I recognized names of friends and colleagues and super-big bloggers. And then? Then I saw the following words:

What We See Is Never The Whole Story, by Aidan Donnelley Rowley on Ivy League Insecurities; On pregnancy and loss, and all the sadness you don't always see.

Apparently, one or more of you guys nominated my post, so thank you. There were over 1000 posts nominated! Needless to say, I am very excited. I implore you to go to the article at Stroller Traffic and click through all of the other posts (from Allison Slater Tate, Claire Bidwell Smith, Glennon Melton, Joanna Goddard, Magda Pecsenye, Lisa-Jo Baker, Kelle Hampton, and Kara Baskin) because they are so so unbelievably good. And if you know anyone who is a new mom or is about to become a mom or is just a mom like me who likes to read about becoming and being a mom, send her this article.

What a list. What an honor.





A Very Troubling Blog Comment