Still no school. The city is a mess. And we are home, still home, getting a bit stir crazy, but beyond thankful that's the extent of our worries. Hard to believe that it's Halloween. But the girls are as excited as ever, counting down the hours until it's time to don their respective costumes (Doc McStuffins, Sleeping Beauty, and a TBD-hand-me-down) to go trick-or-treating on my childhood block.

And I'm excited to tag along as they go door to door, smiling, and collecting sweets. I'm excited to escape the somber news reports and partake in the innocence and glee of this holiday. And perhaps I'm getting ahead of myself, but I'm also excited for Starbucks' holiday cups and to start blasting Christmas music in this neck of the woods. Nothing wrong with that, right? (The kiddos are currently watching the Yo Gabba Gabba Christmas Special. Alas. It runs in the family.)

Hope you all have a happy and safe Halloween. And that you are all hanging in there after Sandy.

How will you spend Halloween? What are you or your kids dressing up as? Did you enjoy Halloween as a kid? Are you irrationally pumped about the holiday season? Do you think there's anything wrong with listening to Christmas music this early?


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