As some of you who were following my tweets might know, I had lunch alone on Monday. At an outdoor cafe.

This was a big deal for me. For whatever reason, I'm not a fan of being alone, particularly in public. Interestingly, I'm fine with settling in at a coffee shop, popping in the headphones and losing myself in the screen, but a restaurant? No thank you. Have never done it.

Had never done it. Until Monday, that is.

My reasons for finally dining alone were many. But the main one was that I read two books that really affected me. Two books by Julia Cameron: The Artist's Way and The Writing Diet: Write Yourself Right-Size. Both books underscore the importance of going on dates with ourselves. I will not go into details now, but you will here more about these books. Trust me.

I sat there. At the small table. And I drank green iced tea with mint and tucked into the most amazing avocado salad. And I looked around - at the people, at the streets, the cars blurring by. And perhaps most importantly? I listened. To the conversations around me, the relationships unfurling, the swelling sirens, the screaming kids in passing strollers - the symphony of a city. My city.

I did reach for my phone on several occasions. Refreshed my email inbox. Checked Facebook and my Twitter feed. Floated a few of my own tweets. But all in all, I was a good girl, sitting there like an adult, enjoying a meal, enjoying a day.

It was a big step for me. And I'm proud of myself.

Do you like to go to restaurants (or movies) alone? Do you love eavesdropping as much as I do? Any Julia Cameron fans? Do you tend to reach for your phone when you are alone like I do? Do you think it's weird that I am cool with parking alone at a coffee shop to write but not at a restaurant to eat?


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