{Checking out the flowers outside the subway station.}

Every morning, I take the big girls to Preschool. Usually we take the subway or the bus. Sometimes, if we are late, a cab. Or, if we happen to be early, we walk. All twenty blocks. These are my favorite mornings because we hold hands and talk. We talk about the things we see, and the day ahead. We talk about the weather, and the numbers of the streets.

At school, as each girl settles into her respective classroom, I say two things. The same two things every morning.

The first: I love you.

The second: I have some homework for you today.

And they both know just what that homework is.

What's your homework, baby? I whisper into tiny ears.

To have fun, they answer. Each of them. Both of them. They know that this what I want them to do. They know this is what matters.

I was thinking about this last night for some reason. I was in a bit of a mood. Just a bit off. I was thinking about how complicated adulthood can be and feel even when things are going well and humming along nicely. I was thinking about how amazing it would be if our only responsibility, our only homework, was to have fun. Wouldn't that be something?

Anyway. Today is a brand new day and I have little creatures to ferry to school. This morning I am taking all three. And it will be a bit of a juggle, maybe a struggle, but a happy one. A fun one.

And I've already given my own 33-year-old little girl self some homework for this weekend.

You guessed it: Have fun.

How do you get your kids to school? Do you have any drop-off rituals? When do you have your best moments with your children? Do you ever remind yourself to relax and just have fun?


Complicated (a.k.a. Three Months Without Wine)

