An incredible weekend full of fun, frolic, and realization. More to come soon, but for now, some images of the last few days in South Carolina.

First, a kick-off boat ride on Lake Keowee.

The stunning view from the back of the house where we stayed.

Palm trees. Blue sky.

The house with its charming striped canopy. Love the little salamander sticker on the glass.

The boys. Headless to ensure anonymity.

The girls. And a certain pup with a very sweet name.

The quaint, if somewhat abandoned, town of Seneca, South Carolina.

Felt like it could be a movie set.

Walking to dinner. Already laughing. And hard.

Had to take a picture of this.

And this. If you can't make it out, it says: In wine there is truth. It turns out there is also truth in other beverages such as water and coffee and non-alcoholic beer.

Late night antics. Don't ask. Or do.

Love this one.

And this one, too.

I took this one yesterday before we left for the airport. There is something incredibly soothing about the leaves of palm trees. At least for this city soul.

The sun was an impossible blue, the clouds so perfect and puffy they could have been cartoons.

On the way in from Newark last night. The sky a deep blue. I tried to capture the crisp crescent of the moon, but it came out as a beautiful and blurry speck. Alas.

Home again. And happy. Happy to have gone. Happy to have laughed, and learned. Happy to have returned.

Again, more to come, but for now, I have three tiny chicks to tickle.


This Is Major


Getting Away!