If you don't know where you are going, you might wind up someplace else.

Yogi Berra

I believe in fumbling, in stumbling, in wandering along.

I believe in asking questions and following them where they take us.

I believe in having ideas, big ones, and realizing them.

I believe in having dreams, big ones, and following them.

I believe in making maps and then tossing them.

I believe in pulling out the compass, checking it, and then putting it away.

I believe in looking forward, and back, and in.

I believe in spinning in place when that makes the most sense.

I believe in making mistakes.

I believe in goals, reaching them, rearranging them, honoring them.

I believe in going and coming and returning.

I believe in knowing, partially, imperfectly, where we want to be, where we want to go.

I believe that someplace else is sometimes the right place.

Where are you going? What do you believe in?


A Barbie Cake & A Battered Nose


Seeing Pink