{Rowley Girl Hug. 8:02am. October 4, 2011.}

Today is my birthday. And I am off. Celebrating with creatures I love. Also, coincidentally, going to our Kindergarten interview for Big Girl at the school I adored and adore. Living my life. Loving my life. Living my love.

Last year on this day? I was learning what was inside. And she's here now. And she's as gorgeous and goofy and glorious as the bigger ones.

The years? They are flipping by furiously. But that's okay. Because they have been good years.

And this next one? It's going to be legendary. Larry-esque.

Or? Or, it will just be good. I'll take that, too.

Thank you all for your love and support on big days and little ones. All of you, and this odd little corner of this cyber-cosmos, continue to mean a great deal to me.


Our Little Pink Problem


Tomorrow Is My Birthday